Author - Steve Salvia

Opening The Relationship…
How to justify your Advice Fees
The 3 R’s they never taught you at school….
What are you selling – SAUSAGE or SIZZLE…?

Opening The Relationship…

In the past, there was an expression in sales called ‘closing the deal’ – “you gotta’ close the deal” etc. However, a guru sales expert, successful entrepreneur and mentor of mine Paul Dunn always talks about: “opening the relationship”. At Blackwing Profit, we’d like you to take on that way of thinking. Here’s why… A client saying[…]

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How to justify your Advice Fees

  Have you ever struggled with justifying your advice fees? I got an email by a financial planner that said: “Steve, my biggest challenge involves confidence & justifying the investment clients would make in me…” Planner Max, Singapore So many financial planners struggle with doubt & anxiety around their advice fees, pricing, and asking to[…]

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The 3 R’s they never taught you at school….

As a financial planner, do you know the Power of the 3 R’s they never taught you at school…? The 3 critical things that your prospects need to be absolutely clear on before they will even consider proceeding with you…. They go something like this: 1. Results… they need to know the actual Results they’re[…]

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What are you selling – SAUSAGE or SIZZLE…?

I read this recently and it’s a great reminder for financial planners…. What are you selling? Close your eyes and picture this – you’re in the sausage business, and so is the butcher across the road…. Your sausage recipes are virtually the same, even though his are a bit more expensive. Thing is, he has[…]

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