Category - Blog

Freedom Formula: Intensive Roadshow
Opening The Relationship…
How to justify your Advice Fees
The 3 R’s they never taught you at school….
What are you selling – SAUSAGE or SIZZLE…?

Freedom Formula: Intensive Roadshow

Our ‘Freedom Formula‘ Roadshow was another success. We had a ball woking with our ‘pose’ in Perth – Sydney – Brisbane & Melbourne.

Everyone brought their ‘A’ game and walked away with an ‘enhanced perspective’ around building world class frameworks for Attraction and Conversion in particular.

We look forward to working with you all again…. Keep your diary’s free in March 2015…. we will be back!

Opening The Relationship…

In the past, there was an expression in sales called ‘closing the deal’ – “you gotta’ close the deal” etc. However, a guru sales expert, successful entrepreneur and mentor of mine Paul Dunn always talks about: “opening the relationship”. At Blackwing Profit, we’d like you to take on that way of thinking. Here’s why… A client saying[…]

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How to justify your Advice Fees

  Have you ever struggled with justifying your advice fees? I got an email by a financial planner that said: “Steve, my biggest challenge involves confidence & justifying the investment clients would make in me…” Planner Max, Singapore So many financial planners struggle with doubt & anxiety around their advice fees, pricing, and asking to[…]

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The 3 R’s they never taught you at school….

As a financial planner, do you know the Power of the 3 R’s they never taught you at school…? The 3 critical things that your prospects need to be absolutely clear on before they will even consider proceeding with you…. They go something like this: 1. Results… they need to know the actual Results they’re[…]

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What are you selling – SAUSAGE or SIZZLE…?

I read this recently and it’s a great reminder for financial planners…. What are you selling? Close your eyes and picture this – you’re in the sausage business, and so is the butcher across the road…. Your sausage recipes are virtually the same, even though his are a bit more expensive. Thing is, he has[…]

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