The 3 R’s Nobody Taught You at School
The 3 R’s Nobody Taught You at School
As a financial planner, do you know the Power of the 3 R’s…?
The 3 critical things that your prospects need to be absolutely crystal clear on before they will even consider proceeding with you….
They go something like this:
They need to be crystal clear on the actual Results they want to achieve (and that they’ll get) by working with you.
They need to be able to say it ‘out loud’…
They need to understand the Reality of where they’re at financially right now.
They need to know the good, bad and ugly of their current situation… (honestly).
And then – and only then – once they’re clear on what the future could look like for them…
And they understand what it’s like for them currently…
Then we can walk them thru and show them how to navigate the Roadblocks…
Speed bumps. Sticky points. Issues that need to be overcome…
We want to show them that we can remove the Roadblocks that are:
Holding them back,
Getting in their way and
Stopping them from getting what they want (show them how).
You just walk them thru your proprietary system for getting the outcomes they are looking for.
Take your prospects on a journey that identifies their 3 R’s…, and you’ll build TRUST, Engagement and an incredibly strong Relationship.
Be proud of what you do.
Take good care.
Steve Salvia – OUT!
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