The 5 1’s Marketing Formula

Hey guys. Steve Salvia here just down here at Woodman Point Beach.

Magic day. Absolutely. Magic day down here. I just dropped my boy offer at a job interview that he’s doing for Adventure World here, and had a couple of hours spare so I just thought I’d do a quick video about something that I’ve been talking more and more about financial planners just recently. It’s actually coming up more and more now.

You know we’re flat out with all this stuff going on with the Royal Commission and there’s the new education requirements, and just all the compliance stuff and the dealer groups and everything…

All these layers of complexity that we’ve got over the top of us right now.

One common theme that keeps coming up again and again is: “Steve, I’ve got all of that but I’ve got to run a business at the same time. So I need new clients!” Okay, I need new clients. That’s fine. It’s pretty common. We need new clients right?

So the question I’ve been asking – and the reason this came up, I was having a Skype call the other day. A Cash ‘n’ Clients strategy session the other day with a client. With a prospect. Financial planner, good guy. If I mentioned his name you probably know who it is. So I won’t do that…

But what happened was I asked him the question: “So all right dude, what are you doing to get new clients? You need your clients, what are you actually doing to get new clients…?

“Are you sending e-mails? Are you doing blogs? Are you doing videos? Are you doing LinkedIn posts? Are you doing Facebook posts? Are you on Facebook ads? Are you doing comments on Twitter? Are you running workshops? Are you networking? Are you doing seminars, workshops? What is it? What are you doing? What is – what is your plan? Tell me what’s your top three or four things that you doing right now that are helping you to get leads?”

And he said: “Steve, well I’m not really doing any of those things”.

… Took me about a ‘nanosecond’ to figure out why he is not getting enough prospects. He’s not doing emails. He’s not doing blog videos. Workshops. Referrals aren’t working. Alliances aren’t working. He’s not asking for referrals. He’s not doing any of that stuff. So it didn’t take long to figure out what he needed to do.

On the flip side of that, I’m also talking to financial planners who are doing all those things. Working really really hard. Spinning their wheels. Doing their marketing. But it’s not actually working. They’re not getting traction. They’re doing emails to these type of people and they’re doing Facebook ads and Facebook posts and LinkedIn posts and running workshops – trying to run workshops and not getting many people or the right quality people there. They’re doing seminars. They’re going to networking events and none of it’s working. Right? So they’re either doing nothing or they’re doing too much and either one of those… it’s just not working for them.

So dude, what are you actually doing? Guys, it’s a question for you. What are you actually doing? Are you focused on getting new prospects?

The problem is if you’re not marketing and doing things to get people into your business, new blood into your business, number one, really quickly you run out of opportunities. Okay? Because you’ve used everything up and what you’re doing is not working so you’re doing the same things with people over and over again. The same people over and over again and that’s number two. People get desensitized to your stuff.

They’ve heard it all before. It’s over and over again. It’s the same offers to the same people and it doesn’t work the first time. It’s not going to work the third fourth or fifth time either and what happens is when you do that, you get despondent and you lose momentum. So you just stop your marketing altogether.

And of course that doesn’t work because you need that consistent flow of new prospects into your funnel filtered through your funnel into your pipeline, into your calendar, into your diary – sorry – into your meetings and into your business.

So what are you doing, guys?

What I want to do is I want to show you a formula that we used at Coaching Club. It’s called the formula the Five 1’s Formula. Really really simple. Really easy. It’s the best way I know to get clients in the diary. Prospects in the diary. People in your office, in your meetings and clients in the system. Okay?So I’m going to do it now.

So let me just grab a stick here at the beach. So I might as well draw. Let’s just grab this trusty little pointer here. My stick. To see if I can turn this video around.

Okay guys let’s have a look and see if I can do this. Okay. All right.

So the five ones. So it’s called the Five 1’s Formula. Right? Five 1’s formula.

I might just break this off a little bit to make it shorter and a bit stronger. All right here’s the five 1’s formula. Are you ready?

It goes like this. It’s one Person. It’s one Problem.

From one Traffic Source so one place to find them. One traffic source so where do we find these people? One person, one problem, one traffic source with one Offer. Right? And the last one is for One Year.

The Five 1’s formula – there it is written in sand. Not a stone, in sand.

It’s the Five 1’s Formula.

One person. One target market. One client avatar. One group of people. One demographic. One specialty. One area that you focus on. Just focus on one group of people at a time -number one.

One person with one problem. Okay? We need to figure out who these people are and what’s going on inside their head. Inside their world. What their frustrations and their fears are. Their wants and aspirations are so that we know exactly what to talk.

Once we found this group of people, what did we talk to them about?.

So one person with one problem from one traffic source. Now that we know who they are. What they’re what we need to talk to him about. We’ve got to figure out what is the best place to find these people. Where they congregate on mass.

Traffic source with one offer. I don’t mean one super fund or one – you know – like an insurance policy. What I mean is something that you can reach out to them and offer. So that they come to you and grab that thing from you in exchange for that maybe give you their first name in the email address and implied permission for you to communicate with them.

And then we do that for one year.

So the Five 1’s Formula.

One person, one problem, one traffic source, one offer for one year and I reckon that’s the quickest way to get some momentum and some traction into your business.

So dude. Focus on the Five 1’s. Okay the Five 1’s Formula. There it is behind me. You can see it focus on five ones.

Once you do that what will happen is,what you’ll notice is that you’ll get new people coming to you. You’ll get new prospects to talk to. You’re not gonna be bombarding the same people over and over again with the same messages.

You know, people will actually respond to your marketing because it’s new, it’s fresh. You’re talking to the right people about the right issues, the right challenges they’ve got the things that they’re facing in their world and what’ll happen is that people will actually lean in a bit closer and want to be around you because you’re talking a bout the right things that they want to hear about and the right the issues and challenges that they’ve got and the results and solutions that they need in their world.

Anyway guys here’s the thing. Just pick one. Pick one thing and run with it.

I can drop my pen now. Don’t need that anymore.

Yeah. Pick one. Market. Run with it. Just do it for 28 days. Do it for 28 days.

Just say “Right, I’m gonna be in niche. I’m going to be an expert.”.

You want to position yourself as an expert at something for someone.

An expert at something for someone and just try it for 28 days.

See what happens. Anyway, hope that helps.

Talk to you soon. Bye

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