Why Can’t You Use Sales for GOOD – Not Evil…?

Hey there guys, Steve Salvia here from blackwing.com.au and the video I’m doing today, it really hurts me. Actually, it hurts me a lot to be making this video…

I don’t know about you but are you as ‘p#ssed off’ as I am about hearing all the stories that have come out of the Hayne Royal Commission. About that Small group of financial planners… Those rogue planners who have been doing all the wrong things and taking advantage of people and pushing sales and high volumes through the same product with that vertical integration and all those sales issues and conversions issues that have made the word sales and conversion actually a dirty word in the financial advice industry.

Are you pissed off as I am?

Really there’s lots and lots of fantastic financial planners out there and we’re all being ‘tarred with the same brush’ and having this massive and enormous compliance regime that has been put upon us; simply for some of the actions of a few rogue planners. And frankly, I’m absolutely glad that we’re going to get some of – if not all of those sharks out of our industry.

They practice that sort of the bullying tactics and the high-pressure sales and the coercion that they do in there. All the all the negative connotations you can think of about financial advice.

They’ve become masters at it.

All those targets that they need to achieve and stuff like that. Like I said, it gives everyone a bad reputation and the reality is it’s just not what we want to do. We need to get that out of our market.

The thing is if you’re serious about this, we’ve got to Convert. We’ve got to Engage our clients. We’ve got to get our clients to Transform.

So guys, here’s the way I want you to do it instead.

Yes, I want you to sell.

I want you to keep selling.

I want you to convert.

You’ve got to convert.

You run a commercial business.

But here’s the way I want you to convert.

I want you to have three things in your mind when you’re selling and when you’re converting many clients.

Number one, I want you to come from a place of Love.

Number two; I want you to come from the Heart.

And number three; I want you to come from a place of Need.

So if you come from a place of Love, from the Heart and from a place of Need in your client conversion conversations, you’re going to be absolutely fantastic and do a much better job than you’ve ever done before.

I want you to use Empathy and Caring as your weapon – not pressure, okay?

It’s really really important. You want your sales and your conversions to become a ‘casual conversation’ about whether you’re a fit or whether you’re not.

And if you are a fit and there is a need and there is the means to pay for it and the advice is right, then you should absolutely use your skills and the conversion skills to get that client over the line.

If you don’t do that, what will happen is the pendulum will swing the other way. And what will happen then is that we won’t have any sales, any conversions.

We’ll go from high pressure to no pressure whatsoever and we also won’t have any conversions. And when we don’t have any conversions, we won’t have any transformations and your clients need to take your advice.

It’s up to you to make sure they do go ahead and complete that advice. Okay?

So guys, we’ve got this fantastic nine-step framework that we use at coaching club.

It’s called The Nine Box Conversion Conversation and it’s a really smooth really classy, really professional way for you to uncover need, make sure there’s a fit, build desire desire based tension with your clients and then – at the end – get yourself hired and get that conversion over the line.

So guys if you’d like to see a copy of the simple nine step framework that will change your life around this, just type in the word “CONVERT” underneath this video in the comments section or just reach out to me privately with the word Convert and we’ll flick you at a copy of it straight away.

Guys, go out there, do a great job for your clients. Help your prospects see the need. Show that you know what to do and have them ask you for it. Straight up. We want them to ask you for it. You’re not going to pressure them into it, we want them to ask you for it and when you do that your life will absolutely change around this.

Anyway I hope this helps guys.

Take good care. Go out there and use sales for GOOD not evil take good care.

Talk to you soon.

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